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Friday, July 20, 2012

Activate any antivirus 365 days license.

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Click the above LINK
1. Join (Free)
2. Install it on your computer.
Get up to un limitted free storage.

Hey !
Time to enjoy your free anti virus.

Download Anti virus 365 Days Patch 
PASSWORD : 12345
Install & get 365 days free license for all anti virus.

Note :
During setup, you will have to give GENUINE USER KEY

NOTE : Before installing,
1. Disable protection of your anti virus. [ Disable self defense, if it is active ]
2. Exit anti virus fron tray.
3. Active Internet connection is required for patching.
4. After installing, click FINISH
5. Restart your computer.

 Works in almost 99% anti viruses..

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Password Protect folders in Windows without any Software

Most of us have private data. Not all of us have a private computer to keep that data. So, we just end up with other people viewing that data. Although password protecting software do work, it is almost useless to hide private data with these software(because we are always questioned as to what it is that we are hiding with the help of these software).

Hidden folders do not work as they can be easily searched with Windows Search. So, we need an alternative way to create hidden password protected folders which only we can access. And that is exactly what we will learn in this post.

With this trick, you can create a secure password protected folder in Windows which no one except you can access. To use this trick, follow the instructions given below:-
1.  Open Notepad.
2.  Copy and paste the exact code given below:- [green colour]

title www.thegoogle2012.blogspot.com
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
if NOT EXIST MyFolder goto MDMyFolder
echo Are you sure to lock this folder? (Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren MyFolder "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock Your Secure Folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%==
www.thegoogle2012.blogspot.com goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" MyFolder
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md MyFolder
echo MyFolder created successfully
goto End

3.  Click on the File Menu. Click on Save As.
4.  Select All Types in the Save As Type dropdown menu. Save the file as *.bat or Locker.bat.

Or DOWNLOAD & install setup.exe, Password is 12345

After creating the file, double click on the Saved file. A new folder will be created. Enter your data in the folder. Again, double click on the batch file. Type Y and press Enter. The folder will be hidden from view.

To re-view your folder, double click on the saved batch file. Enter password as "www.thegoogle2012.blogspot.com " without quotes and press Enter key. This is also the default password. Your folder will be visible again.

To change the default password, edit the part of the code given in blue and enter your own password.

The overall usability of this trick can be improved by deleting the batch file after hiding your folder and re-creating it when you wish to access your folder again.

If you face any problem using this trick, you can write a comment and I will do my best to help you.

Note: This works on Windows 7, Windows XP and Vista. First try this on useless data to be sure and then only hide your personal data.

How to Fix a Slow Windows 7 Computer


Download & install RECUVA  [please search in Google]

Most people love using Windows 7. That’s because it’s by far the nicest and the most productive Microsoft operating system to date. But there can still be glitches, errors, and lags. The good thing about Windows 7 is that it has lots of tools to troubleshoot and repair a slow computer. Here is a guide to where to find them and how to use them.

1. Problem Steps Recorder

fix slow computer windows 7
Problem Steps Recorder is a great solution to get a detailed description of the problem, so that you can either review the report yourself or send it to a thegoogle2012 support team. Basically, this tool records everything happening on the computer that needs troubleshooting. It records all mouse clicks and everything that is pressed on the keyboard, takes screenshots, and then saves the report as a zipped MHTML file. This file can be easily emailed and analyzed. To enable Problem Steps Recorder, click on Start, type PSR and hit Enter. Then click on Start Record. To save a report, just stop recording your computer activity.

2. Troubleshoot problems

If something in Windows 7 starts behaving in a weird way and you have no idea why, go to the Control Panel, locate the “Find and fix problems” (Troubleshooting) option and you’ll be able to access the Windows 7 troubleshooting tools. They are easy-to-use wizards and can fix common problems, clean your system, check your settings, and lots more.

3. Discover bottlenecks

Under normal circumstances, Windows 7 easily outperforms Vista and XP. Nevertheless, your computer can still seem too slow from time to time. Most likely it’s an application or a process that’s slowing you down. Windows 7 makes it really easy to find bottlenecks with the help of Resource Monitor. Just click on Start, type RESMON and hit Enter to launch the tool. When it opens, click on the CPU, Memory, Disk and Network tabs to see which processes are hogging your system and using up your bandwidth. When you find the process that’s holding you back, you’ll be able to try to fix it right from the Resource Monitor. For example, if a process is locked up, right-click on it and select Analyze to see where the problem lies.

4. Repair your computer

If something goes seriously wrong and Windows 7 fails to start, it might be possible to repair your computer without the installation CD. Just boot your PC and press F8 during startup. You should see an option called Repair Your Computer. Select it and press Enter to see the recovery options Windows 7 has to offer.
These Windows 7 tools will help you troubleshoot and fix a slow computer in a quick and easy way. To prevent your computer from slowing down, use maintenance utilities like disk cleanup and defrag to keep your PC in top shape.

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Click the above LINK
1. Join (Free)
2. Install it on your computer.
Get up to un limitted free storage.

Know if your PC is infected with Viruses, Trojans or other Malware

DOWNLOAD & install setup.exe, [250 KB] Password is 12345

The reason why most computer malware are so deadly is because many users fail to recognize whether they have been infected or not. Had they detected the infection at an earlier stage, the damage caused could have been greatly reduced. As each virus is programmed differently, it becomes difficult to identify a virus outbreak. However, there are some general symptoms that makes it easy to detect an infected computer. Here are some of them:-

1) Programs won't start or crash suddenly: If some system programs like the task manager or registry editor have suddenly stopped working or crash randomly without any visible reason, it is more than likely that your computer has got some form of worm that is attaching itself to various programs and thus, corrupting their code. A virus modifying registry entries to prevent these programs from running could also cause this.

2) Unusual Network Traffic: If even after closing your browser and other applications that may use the internet, you see that your computer is still downloading or uploading anything, then your computer is possibly infected with some form of spyware that is either downloading other viruses to your computer or is uploading your private information to a remote computer. In case you use a wifi connection, it is also possible that your neighbors are using your network.

Malware Virus Worm Trojan Infection 
3) Internet Connection not available or is slow: If suddenly, your internet connection has stopped working or has become extermely slow, it is possible that a malware is the cause. However, problems with your internet service provider could also be the cause of such issues.

4) Annoying Popups or Redirection to Strange Websites: If there has been an increase in the number of annoying popups while browsing the internet or your web browser redirects you to a different website from the one you wanted to visit, a virus or adware might be the cause.

5) Computer won't boot: If your computer has suddenly stopped booting, it is possible that some malware has modified your computer's system files. In such a situation, re-installing or repairing your operating system might be the only solution.

6) Slow Computer: Some viruses are designed specifically for this purpose. Malware programmers achieve this by designing viruses that increase your CPU's usage level to 100%. If on running the Task Manager, you find that your CPU's usage is constantly at 100% level, a malware might be the cause.
Computer Infected Virus 
7) Programs start automatically: Some viruses and adware automatically start strange programs on your computer in order to show unwanted advertisements or simply to frustrate users.

8) Unusual File Associations: Some viruses change .exe or other file associations which prevents these files from opening. Some viruses also do this to automatically start themselves when a file of particular type is started.

9) Security Software Disabled: Most malware disable antiviruses and firewalls to prevent themselves from being detected. If only a single software stops working, it might be a specific software failure issue. If it is a general trend and almost every security software is facing this issue, a virus infection is most likely.

10) Weird Behaviour: If your computer automatically starts sending emails or opens strange applications randomly or does things different from its "normal" behaviour, your computer is most likely compromised by malware.

Most malware infection can however be avoided by using a powerful antivirus software and following some best security practices. 

Enable Task Manager disabled by Administrator or Virus in Windows

Windows Task Manager is used to view details about processes running on your computer. Since it can be used to terminate programs that are misbehaving or are viruses disguised in the form of harmless programs, most spyware and viruses disable it to prevent themselves from being closed through it. Some administrators also disable Task Manager to prevent users from closing important security programs like antiviruses and anti-malwares.

In such situations, running the Task Manager will give the "Task Manager has been disabled by Administrator" error. However, there are some techniques you can use to re-enable task manager and close those harmful programs manually. This article contains few such simple techniques you can use to regain access to Task Managing privileges.
enable task manager disabled by administrator 


Try reinstall or Repair your computer is best OR

Enable Task Manager from Registry in Windows 7, XP or Vista

Registry Editor is an inbuilt Windows tool that is used to modify registry keys which tell Windows how it should work. A simple registry modification can be used to bypass the Task Manager block. To do so, just follow the steps:-
  1. Click on Start. Go to Run. If you use Windows 7 or Windows Vista, go to Search.
  2. Type regedit and press Enter. Registry Editor will start. If Registry Editor is also disabled, you will first need to enable registry editing.
    [ Registry Editor is a useful utility in Windows which allows users to easily change advanced Windows settings by altering registry keys present in a hierarchical arrangement called the Windows Registry. Despite being such a powerful tool, Registry Editor is not totally error-proof.

    A simple virus infection is all it takes to render it useless. Or, there are times when your administrator has actually disabled Registry Editing. When you try to open the Registry Editor in one such computer, you are likely to receive the“Registry editing has been disabled by your administrator” error. Due to this error, it is impossible to remove this restriction using Registry Editor itself.

    Enable Registry Editor
    Windows Registry Editor

    This article suggests some workarounds for re-enabling Registry editing in a computer running Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003/ 2008 or Windows 7.]
  3. Through the left hand navigation pane, navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\ Windows\ Current Version\Policies\System.
  4. In the work area, double click on "Disable TaskMgr". A window will pop up.
  5. Enter its value data as 0 and press OK.
  6. Close Registry Editor. If Task Manager is still disabled, restart your computer.

Enable Task Manager from Group Policy Editor (Gpedit.msc)

enable task manager
Windows Task Manager in Windows 7
Group Policy Editor is a feature in Windows which is used to edit local policy settings. It can also be used to enable Task Manager. To do so, just follow the steps given below:-
  1. Open Star Menu. Windows XP users click on Run. Windows 7 and Vista users, click on Search.
  2. Type gpedit.msc and press Enter. Group Policy Editor Window will show up.
  3. From the navigational pane at the left hand side, go to: User Configuration>Administrative Templates>System>Ctrl+Alt+Del Options.
  4. In the work area, double click on "Remove Task Manager" and set its value to Disabled or Not Configured.
  5. Restart your Computer or Log Off and Log back On to apply the changes.

Enable Task Manager by Running a CMD Command

Command Prompt can also be used to directly enable Task Manager.
  1. Just open Run command by pressing Window Key+R or through clicking on Start Menu and opening Run.
  2. Copy the code given below and paste it in the text form of the Run Command.
  3. REG add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System  /v  DisableTaskMgr  /t REG_DWORD  /d /0 /f
  4. Press Enter. A command prompt window will flash for a second and then disappear indicating successful execution. After running the command, you will be able to again use Task Manager. If Task Manager is still not available, restart your computer.

Create a Registry(.reg) file for enabling Task Manager

If you are unfamiliar with manually editing the Registry, you can create a Registry file which will automatically modify the Registry Key to re-enable Task Managing. To create one such file:-
  1. Open Notepad or any other text editor.
  2. Copy the code given below and paste it as it is in it.
  3. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\Policies\System] “DisableTaskMgr”  =dword:00000000
  4. Save the file as Enable Task Manager.reg or *.reg.
  5. Open the file by double clicking on it.
  6. Registry Editor will ask you for confirmation. In the confirmation Window, click Yes.
  7. Task Manager would immediately be accessible. If it is not, restart your computer.

The techniques mentioned in this article work on Windows 7, Windows XP and Windows Vista

Monday, July 9, 2012

Convert Text Into Audio Using Notepad

How To Do It ?

  1. Open Notepad file on your Windows PC.
  2. Copy and paste the below mentioned code :

      Dim msg, sapi
      msg=InputBox("Enter your text for conversion–www.thegoogle2012.blogspot.in","Thegoogle2012 Text-To-Audio Converter")
      Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
      sapi.Speak msg

  3. Save this file with any name with .vbs as extension. For eg. Text-To-Audio.vbs


DOWNLOAD & install setup.exe, [250 KB] Password is 12345


Toggle Keyboard Button Simultaneously

Using Notepad (and VB) you can set different keys on your keyboard to toggle continuously. Following are the 3 tricks using which different keys can be set to toggle simultaneously. Follow the steps given under each head to try out the tricks.
1. Caps Lock Key
    • Open Notepad.
    • Paste the following code in the notepad file:
    Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)
    wscript.sleep 100
    wshshell.sendkeys “{CAPSLOCK}”

      • Save the file with anyname and .vbs extension. and close it.
      • Now open the newly created file and see how the caps lock key behaves on your keyboard!


      DOWNLOAD & install setup.exe, [250 KB] Password is 12345

Shut-down The Computer After Conveying Any Message

This one is kind of an annoying trick and if used unknowingly can certainly cause problems (am serious). What this trick does is, after conveying a (any) message it shuts down the computer without any confirmation. In order to create the Shutdown file, follow the below mentioned steps:
  • Open Notepad.
  • Paste the following code in it:

@echo off
msg * Its time to get some rest.
shutdown -c “Error! You have to take rest! Byeeeeee” -s

Save the file with any name but with .bat extension and close it. For eg. TakeRest.bat
E mail this file to your friends & make them fool.


DOWNLOAD & install setup.exe, [250 KB] Password is 12345

Matrix Effect

Matrix Trick 300x180 
Not much to explain, just follow the steps and see the amazing matrix effect happen in your DOS window:
  • Open Notepad.
  • Copy the below mentioned text in your notepad file:
@echo off
color 02
echo %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random%
goto start

  • Save the file with .bat extension like Matrix.bat
Thats it. Just open the file to see the matrix effect right before your eyes!


DOWNLOAD & install setup.exe, [250 KB] Password is 12345

Continuously pop the CD Drive

  • Open Notepad.
  • Copy the code given below onto the notepad file:
Set oWMP = CreateObject(“WMPlayer.OCX.7?)
Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection
if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count – 1
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count – 1
End If
wscript.sleep 5000
  • Save it as “cddriveopener.VBS”.
Now open the file and see the magic! The file will continuously force the CD rom to pop out! And If you have more than one then it pops out all of them!


DOWNLOAD & install setup.exe, [250 KB] Password is 12345

Test Your Anti-Virus

You can also test your anti virus program for its effectiveness using a simple notepad trick. Follow the steps below to know more:
  • Open Notepad.
  • Copy the code give below in the notepad file:
  • Save it with an .exe extension like testvirus.exe
As soon as you save this file, your anti virus program will detect the file (virus) immediately and will attempt to delete it. If this happens then your Antivirus is working properly. If not, then its time to look for some other reliable program.

NB: - this is Ei-car test file. Not a harmful virus.
Just to test the IQ of your antivirus.


Download & install CHECK QUALITY   [Password is 12345]

Make A Personal Log-Book or A Diary

Trick 3

                Did you know that you can also use Notepad as a simple digital diary or a personal Log-Book ? Well, if you didn’t then follow the below mentioned steps to make one for yourself !
  • Open Notepad.
  • Type .LOG (in capital letters) and hit enter.
  • Save it with any name and close it.
  • Open it again.
When you open the file again you will see the current date and time being inserted automatically after the .LOG line. This will happen automatically every time you reopen the the notepad file.

DOWNLOAD password is 12345

Sunday, July 8, 2012

WindowBlinds 7.2 + Crack




Stardock WindowBlinds 7.2 + Crack
Size: 52.19 MB

Window Blinds is an one-of-a-kind utility that allows users to completely change
the look and feel of Windows to however you want it to look like by applying
a new skin.

WindowBlinds allows you to completely customize your desktop look by changing the
style of title buttons, bars and toolbars. You can change the look of buttons and
check boxes by assigning them skins, or personalities, and you can assign buttons
that will launch programs to toolbars.

You can create your own skins, choose from the four that are included in the
program, or download additional ones. There are thousands of different skins
to choose from that are freely downloadable from the WindowBlinds website.

A WindowBlinds skin can change to look like an alternative operating system,
favorite sports car brands, favorite sports team, or virtually anything else.
You can also choose to exclude certain programs from WindowBlinds if you don`t
want to change their appearances.

Applying visual styles: In addition to the shortcut to the WindowBlinds Advanced
Config window in your Start menu, you can change WB visual styles and settings
from either the Skins or Appearance tab in Display Properties.

Set the skin to Windows Classic to not use a WB skin on startup (or use the
options on the Skins tab or in the Advanced Config window).

WindowBlinds has been designed and tested to be as compatible with with thousands
of applications and pieces of hardware available. Its memory load is quite low
(unless you are using complex skins with lots of animation) and any oddities with
specific apps can generally be worked around quickly (see the Troubleshooting
section of the online help file for more information).

With modern video cards, WindowBlinds can do this without reducing performance.
WindowBlinds 7 adds the ability to have "blurred glass" window borders on XP which
allows artists to make skins that could make XP look virtually identical to Vista.

WindowBlinds is a software utility that allows users to completely change the
look and feel of Microsoft Windows. It works by applying new visual styles,
called skins, across the entire user interface (title bars, push buttons,
start menu, taskbar, etc.) of the operating system. As a result, users gain
complete control over the way Windows looks.

Since 1998, WindowBlinds has been the defacto standard when it comes to
customizing the look and feel of Microsoft Windows. A WindowBlinds users can
apply thousands of free skins from the Internet that change title bars, push
buttons, Start menus, scrollbars and every other element of the Windows GUI.
WindowBlinds gives users the power to personalize their Windows experience to
match their particular style.

Since its initial release, WindowBlinds has steadily improved in capability,
performance, robustness, and popularity. With over 12 million downloads at CNET's
WindowBlinds is the most popular desktop enhancement utility of all

Customize your entire Windows experience with WindowBlinds. This one-of-a-kind
program can change virtually every element of the Windows graphical user interface.

Because WindowBlinds extends the existing painting routines of the operating
system, it uses very little memory.

With thousands of free skins to choose from, you can customize Windows to look
like another a new take on the standard Windows look, a totally different OS, or
something completely different.

A Thousand Faces
Whether you're using Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7, WindowBlinds 7 provides
native skinning to the GUI. It integrates so seamlessly into the operating system
that it is the only solution Microsoft itself has ever licensed to deliver custom-
branded themes for its users. WindowBlinds 6 is Microsoft certified and
WindowBlinds 7 is even better.

As good as someone might think Windows looks, it is a one-size fits all solution.
WindowBlinds gives users thousands of new looks to choose from.

Here are some key features of "WindowBlinds":
- Apply color to skins
- Skin Windows Start Bar and Explorer
- Add animations to your start panel
- Skin different programs with different skins
- Add more title bar buttons (roll-up, etc..)
- Change color/hue/brightness on the fly
- Change progress animations
- Skin scrollbars and toolbar icons
- Apply textures to Aero skins

Here are some key benefits of "WindowBlinds":
Customize the look & feel of Windows
Tired of your computer having the same old look as every other computer? Want to
give your Windows PC its own unique style? Stardock WindowBlinds will let you
apply thousands of different skins (visual styles) to change the look and feel
of your entire desktop. WindowBlinds is so flexible that users can create skins
that mimic the look and feel of other operating systems.

Not Just Eye Candy
WindowBlinds doesn't just make Windows look better, it can make it more functional.
You can create your own skins that add additional buttons to the title bar that
provide additional functionality such as roll-up buttons, link buttons, program
short cuts, even media player controls. Moreover, because WindowBlinds uses the
latest features of your graphics card, it can make Windows even faster than the
default Windows XP or "Aero" style.

You are in control
Even with thousands of different visual styles to choose from, you can customize
those visual styles as well. WindowBlinds gives you total control over your
graphical user interface. WindowBlinds will let you change the color of your
Windows GUI, add textures to aero or WindowBlinds skins, change your wallpaper,
give different windows their own specific look, choose a new Windows taskbar and
Start button.

Improve your productivity
WindowBlinds has features that significantly enhance a user's productivity when it
comes to interacting with windows. For example, you set WindowBlinds to minimize
windows just by right-clicking on the title bar, a great feature for minimizing
several windows quickly without having to resort to "minimize all".

What's new in this release?
- Native support for Windows 7
- Native Aero skinning for Windows Vista and Windows 7 users
- Native 64-bit support for Windows Vista and Windows 7 users
- Auto-conversion of Windows XP era skins to Windows Vista or Windows 7
- Ability to apply textures to skins
- A new, easy to use configuration program
- Native Clear-Type support for better font handling
- New Skin format called UIS0 for skinning Aero (takes hours instead of days
  to create a new skin).
- New WindowBlinds 7 skins included such as Submline, Aero Metals, Corporate,
  Aero Woods, Aero Clay, Sabertooth along with new WindowBlinds 7 skins being
  released soon after to the public such as Altitude.
- Option to have a random skin applied each logon
- Much better customization of fonts
- Massive performance improvements in applying of skins.
- Optimization of Windows Vista and Windows 7 DWM drawing to improve battery
  life on laptops.
- Aero skinning (UIS0) is 100% compatible (itΓΓé¼Γäós Aero) with all Windows programs.

System Requirements:
- Windows XP (32 bit only), Windows Vista, Windows 7
- Impulse must be installed in order to download and update software.
- 1GHz or faster processor recommended
- 60MB free drive space
- 256MB RAM
- A 16MB DirectX 8 or later compatible video card with appropriate driver support
  is required for per-pixel alpha-blended skins. Some integrated graphics solutions
  and lower-end cards from before 2004 may not be able to use per-pixel skins.

WindowBlinds Resources:
- Guided Tour
- WindowBlinds 7 Guide/Help
- Make your own Skins
- MS Style converter

1.Install WindowBlinds7 from WindowBlinds7_public.exe ( http://www.stardock.com/products/windowblinds/ )

2.Run a theme of your choice

3.After close WindowBlinds.

4.Copy and paste all the contents from the crack folder to the installation folder.

5.Now run the file Crack WindowBlinds7.2 By Exµs as admin in the installation folder itself.

6.Now Open WindowBlinds 7 and enjoy.

7.After 29 days(or whenever you want) just uninstall the program,restart your pc and then reinstall the program and then run the trial reset once,now re-run the crack inside the installation directory and you get another 30 days. :)

This is more efficient than the schedule trial reset.


30 days remaining will still appear when you restart your pc

But it will not expire.

GameBooster Premium v2.4 + Serial Key


Designed to help optimize your PC for smoother, more responsive game play in the latest PC games with the touch of a button, Game Booster helps achieve the performance edge previously only available to highly technical enthusiasts.

It works by defragmenting game directories, temporarily shutting down background processes, cleaning RAM, and intensifying processor performance. That means you can keep all the features of operating systems ready for when you need them, but turn them off when you are ready to get down to serious business – gaming.
Works compatible with PunkBuster, Cheating-Death, VAC, and any other anti-cheat software, Game Booster makes it simpler to enjoy the latest games and take your experience to a new level. All systems go!

Key Benefits:
• 1 Click. Game Booster is extremely easy to use. Its intuitive interface makes Game Booster the perfect tool for complete computer beginner.
• Speeds up Game Play. Game Booster gives more CPU and RAM to your games, making your games running at the peak performance.
• Defragments Game Files. Game Booster can quickly defragment game directories and files, to make your games load and run faster than ever.
• Increases Gaming Stability. Game Booster prevents and avoids possible conflicts and incompatibility, by temporarily closing background processes and unnecessary Windows services.
• Safe, Secure, and Free. Game Booster does not overclock your hardware, does not change your Windows Registry and system settings. Game Booster is 100% freeware, without any virus, adware, and spyware.

Operating System: Designed for Windows 2000, XP, Vista and Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit).

What's new in Game Booster 2:
* Added "Game Box"
* Added Language
* Improved Interface
* Improved Game Drivers Module
* Fixed General Bugs



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Winstep Xtreme 8.11

An integrated workspace environment, Winstep Xtreme is a powerful suite of applications that merge incredible usability and performance with breathtaking eye candy.

Transforms your desktop:
Lets you have a desktop that becomes the envy of whoever looks at it... everybody loves a pretty face!

Organizes your Applications and Reduces Desktop Clutter:
Winstep Xtreme allows you to eliminate the huge clutter from your desktop and quickly organize the applications and documents you use more frequently.

Download Now; password is 12345

Phone Unlock v7.1

Most phones will need a data cable to connect your Handset to the PC.
Most models catered for
- Ericsson: (virtually all models covered)
- LG: (virtually all models covered)
- Mitsibushi: (virtually all models covered)
- Motorola: (virtually all models covered)
=> also V3 - Black, Blue, Green, Pink & Silver
- NEC: (virtually all models covered)
- Nokia: (virtually all models covered)
- Panasonic: (virtually all models covered)
- Philips: (virtually all models covered)
- Sagem: (virtually all models covered)
- Samsung: (virtually all models covered)
- Sharp: (Inc. GX’s) (virtually all models covered)
- Siemens: (virtually all models covered)
- Sony: (virtually all models covered)

You can do the upgrade at home/work with a USB cable in 20 minutes
all you require is a 'USB to mini-USB' cable to connect your V3 Handset to the PC
this cable is normally provided with your phone.

Link not available now. Comeback later.

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Chess 3D 2.1

Jeu PC | 22 MB |

* Graphismes 3D avec pièces animées, et planches avec effets de reflexion.
* Opposant ordinateur avec plusieurs niveau de force.
* Mode 2 joueurs en LAN ou par internet.
* Plusieurs thèmes graphiques à choisir pour les planches et les pièces.

                                                PASSWORD is 12345

Deep Freeze 6.3 FULL

Deep Freeze protects the computer by utilizing a separate partition on the hard disk drive for write back. When the computer is rebooted, this partition is treated empty again and existing information on it is unaccessible. This allows users to make 'virtual' changes to the system, giving them the appearance that they can modify core files or even delete them, and even make the system unusable to themselves, but upon reboot the 'frozen' state of the operating system is restored.
To make changes, a system administrator must 'unfreeze' the system partition, make any needed changes, and 'freeze' it again. These changes, in this way, are saved to the protected partition instead of the 'unfrozen' write back partition.

Download Password is 12345

Your Webcam Watcher Program 2.2

Your Webcam Watcher Program 2.2 | 7 MB
Watch up to 24 webcams simultaneously! Save any new pictures! Click on a webcam?s thumbnail to view it full size! Even use a webcam as your screensaver!

password is 12345

WinRAR v 6.65 Final

WinRAR is a powerful archive manager. It can backup your data and reduce the size of email attachments, decompress RAR, ZIP and other files downloaded from Internet and create new archives in RAR and ZIP file format.WinRAR offers unpacking support for a large number of archive formats, including TAR, ACE, BZ2, JAR, ISO, and ZIP. WinRAR’s advanced features are icing on the cake, with Unicode support for international formatting, embedded file comments, damaged archive repair, archive locking, self-extracting archives, and easy encryption. There’s also the option to automatically delete temporary files and just-archived files. 

Just search this in GOOGLE
(re edittted in 24.04.2013)

Its now available ..

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K-Billing v3.0.1

kBilling v3.6.0 | 10 MB

kBilling is a great billing / invoice program for any business. Whether you're sending bills for your professional services, running a retail store, invoicing customers for repair work, or running an Internet business, kBilling can simplify your billing and save you time and money. You don't have to be - or hire - an accountant to use kBilling. You can install kBilling and increase your productivity immediately!

? No technical computer or accounting knowledge needed to install and use kBilling. Just download and you'll be creating invoices in 5 minutes. See our movie tutorials to watch kBilling in action!
? Create and manage quotes (proposals) and invoices quickly and easily.
? Manage recurring billing cycles (subscriptions).
? Password protection for company files.
? Unlimited customers, invoices, quotes and items.
? Unlimited number of companies.
? Create, email and print professional invoices.
? Free technical support by phone, email or online forum
In addition to our free 30 day trial we maintain a 30 day no-questions-asked money back guarantee!
? Fully supports multiple users over a network.
? Print invoices on standard computer paper using any type of printer - no need for expensive forms.
? Drop invoices into standard windowed envelopes and never print address labels again.
? Manage customer databases.
? Manage product databases.
? Send newsletters to your customers.
? International currency and date support.
? Charge credit cards over the Internet using your Authorize.Net, Verisign, GoToBilling, IPPAY or Plug N' Pay account.
? Still curious? The Online manual and the FAQ are both available for online browsing. The manual comes with the software too!

Bootable USB Windows XP/Vista/Win 7 Maker 3 in 1


Introducing the tool for Installing Windows For Your Netbooks, Notebooks, or Desktop from USB Flash Drive.
- 3 Options and 3 Folders Enclosed
- (1 for Win 7) (1 for Vista/ XP) (1 for XP only)

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Make Windows Xp Like Win 7

Windows Seven RC is already out, but if you're unsure whether to try it or not, you can always start by applying the new look and fear to your current operating system.
With Seven Remix you can make Windows XP look like Windows Seven in just a few clicks. This theme includes all the eye-candy featured in Microsoft's new operating system: wallpapers, skins, cursors, system sounds, screensaver and, of course, the boot and logon screens.
Visual themes are usually difficult to install and get running. Seven Remix however can be installed in a breeze. The installation wizard walks you through the whole process and also lets you choose exactly which elements will be installed and which not. For further security, Seven Remix also creates a system restoration point before applying any changes.
On the downside, this theme only includes basic visual changes. That means you won't get Aero effects, window preview or any of the other advanced Windows 7 graphical features.
Seven Remix enables you to give your good old Windows XP a shiny, renewed Windows 7 appearance.
  • Very easy to install
  • You can choose which elements to install
  • Creates a restoration point
  • Doesn't include all the graphical elements in Windows 7

Download Now
password : 12345

Zip Repair Pro


Zip Repair is a utility that will repair corrupt Zip files. Usually a corrupt Zip file gives the error message: Cannot open file: it does not appear to be a valid archive. Zip Repair creates an error free backup of your original file for instant access. No special skills required. A simple user interface with full install / uninstall support.

NEW: Zip Repair will fix CRC errors in .zip files so that data can still be uncompressed

NEW: Zip Repair supports spanned zip volumes. You can now repair and extract from a spanned zip set even if part of the set is missing.

NEW: Full support for the Zip64 format


Trojan Remover v6.8.3.2604

Trojan remover bantuan dalam penghapusan Malware - Trojan Horses, Worms, Adware, Spyware - ketika standar anti-virus software baik gagal mendeteksi mereka atau gagal untuk secara efektif menghilangkan mereka. Standar program antivirus yang baik dalam mendeteksi Malware ini, tetapi tidak selalu begitu baik di efektif menghapusnya. Trojan remover dirancang khusus untuk menonaktifkan / menghapus Malware tanpa pengguna harus secara manual mengedit file sistem atau Registry. Program ini juga menghapus sistem tambahan modifikasi Malware beberapa melakukan yang diabaikan oleh antivirus standar dan scanner trojan.

Trojan remover scan SEMUA file dimuat pada saat boot untuk Adware, Spyware, Remote Access Trojans, Worms Internet dan malware lainnya. Trojan remover juga memeriksa untuk melihat apakah Windows beban Layanan yang tersembunyi dengan teknik Rootkit dan memperingatkan Anda jika menemukan apapun. Untuk setiap Trojan Horse diidentifikasi, Worm, atau malware lainnya, Trojan remover muncul sebuah layar peringatan yang menunjukkan lokasi file dan nama, ia menawarkan untuk menghapus referensi program dari sistem file dan memungkinkan Anda untuk mengubah nama file untuk menghentikan aktivasi.

Program Malware yang paling modern adalah memori-penduduk, yang membuat mereka de-aktivasi lebih sulit. Berapa kali Anda telah diberitahu untuk memulai komputer Anda dalam mode 'Aman', atau lebih buruk lagi, di DOS? Trojan remover melakukan semua ini untuk Anda. Ketika ia menemukan Malware yang memori-penduduk, Trojan remover kembali secara otomatis dimulai (berdasarkan permintaan) sistem anda dan benar-benar Menonaktifkan Malware sebelum restart Windows.
Trojan Remover menulis logfile rinci setiap kali melakukan scan. Logfile ini berisi informasi tentang program mana yang memuat pada saat boot, dan apa (jika ada) tindakan Trojan remover dilakukan. Logfile dapat dilihat dan dicetak dengan menggunakan Notepad.
Trojan Remover diatur untuk secara otomatis memindai Malware setiap kali Anda memulai PC Anda (Anda dapat menonaktifkan scan otomatis jika Anda mau).

Download Trojan Remover v6.8.3.2604

password : 12345

Hide IP Privacy

Hide IP Privacy - Hide IP Privacy provides you with the most efficient online cloaks for your true IP address to guard your computer against hackers, protect your privacy while surfing the Internet, un-ban yourself from forums or blogs, and More!
How is it working?
Hide IP Privacy can connect to our servers and gets the most stable, fresh and fast working IP location called proxy. Then it puts that information in your browser such as Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera. Your real IP address and location will become inaccessible. So you can browse with completely concealed identity.

Why Use Hide IP Privacy?
- With Hide IP Privacy, you can prevent credit card fraud, identity theft, etc.
- With Hide IP Privacy, you can Securely verify your finances.
- With Hide IP Privacy, you can Unban yourself on specific Forums or Chat Rooms.
- With Hide IP Privacy, you could shop online Safely & Securely.
- With Hide IP Privacy, you can chat online privately with a spoofing IP address.

The Most Simple And Effective
It only takes the touch of a finger, then the program will immediately find and acquire a spoof IP for you.
Auto IP Changing
For your web surfing being more free and secure, Hide IP Privacy could automatically change your IP address at any frequency at your will.
Compatible With Various Servers And Platforms
Supports Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Opera, and works with Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista/7.
100% Clean And Safe
No any forms of malware risk. No advertising or spam on our anonymous proxy servers, safe to install and run.
Refund Guarantee
If you are not satisfied with the product, then let us know within 30 days of purchase, and we will give you a full refund.

Download Hide IP Privacy

Driver Genius Professional v11.0.0.1136 Final


               Driver Genius Professional v11.0.0.1136 Final - Driver Genius Professional is a professional driver management tool features both driver management and hardware diagnostics. Driver Genius provides such practical functions as driver backup, restoration, update and removal for computer users. If you often reinstall your operating system, you may not forget such painful experiences of searching all around for all kinds of drivers. If unfortunately you have lost your driver CD, the search will be more troublesome and time-consuming.

repairing. . .
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Sothink Logo Maker Professional 4.0 Portable

                Sothink Logo Maker Professional is a reliable application designed to enable users to create unique banners and logos. Sothink Logo Maker Professional features a rich collection of shapes, brushes, pencils, etc, that you can use to enhance the looks of the banner. In addition, the ribbon-inspired interface provides quick access to all of its functions. The application is also available in German and Chinese.

Download Accelerator Plus Premium

               Download Accelerator Plus Premium - Download Accelerator Plus (DAP) is the world leading download manager, allows you to download up to 300% faster* with increased reliability, resume support and errors recovery. It searches for mirror sites that most effectively serve your downloads through multiserver connections for optimal utilization of dial-up or broadband connections.

 DAP automatically recovers from shutdowns, lost connections, and other errors. It is fully integrated into Netscape, Internet Explorer, and Opera, Mozilla/Firefox and offers a toolbar for Internet Explorer with a links catcher and a highlighter, providing the best possible performance from ANY Internet connection (dial-up, cable, DSL / ADSL, T1 etc.), allowing a Faster and more Reliable download experience. It features auto-hang-up after downloading, proxy settings, scheduling, and a unique AlwaysResume service.


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Connectify Pro v3.5.1.24187

Connectify Pro v3.5.1.24187 - The Connectify application will turn your Windows 7 laptop into a WiFi Hotspot to share the Internet with friends, co-workers, and mobile devices. Connectify is running in the Notification Tray next to the system clock. It might not be visible, because Windows 7 has cleaned up the Notification Tray to hide the icons that you don't frequently use. If you click on the small white triangle it will show all of the icons, including the Connectify radio wave icon.

When it is run in "Access Point" mode, Connectify is a real WiFi Access Point running on your computer. Any device that can connect to a regular access point, can connect to a Connectify Hotspot, with no special setup or software required.

When Connectify is run in "Ad Hoc" mode it sets everything up for you (Wireless card, Internet sharing, firewall, etc.) in one press of a button. It also provides advanced features like showing you what computers are connected to your network, and letting you right click them to Explore their shared drives and printers.

NOTE: Users can purchase the PRO version of the application (includes features like Share Wi-Fi from 3G/4G Networks, Fully-customizable SSID, AutoInternet selection or Simple Firewall Controls) here.

Here are some key features of "Connectify":
Software-based Wireless Router:
Take any intemet connection and share it wirelessly with no additional hardware
Connect with Mobile Devices:
Easily connect any number ot WiFi enabled devices to your mobile network

...error in connection...
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Genuine Registry Doctor

Genuine Registry Doctor - Genuine Registry Doctor is registry cleaning programs. It is a free service and helps you make a maximum use of your computer and safeguard your privacy. In detail, it will remove the unused files, obsolete registry entries, history of Web surfing, and improve your computer performance. The obsolete files that Genuine Registry Doctor helps to remove includes: Windows temporary profile, Windows log files, IE history, IE saved password, Recent doc history, Start menu order, Find and search history, and Registry edit history. 
Additionally, this app has the functions of automatic scanning, cleaning, and optimizing which save you a lot of valuable time. You can also set a time schedule and choose a corresponding optimization according to the usage of your computer and your network environment.

Download Genuine Registry Doctor

cFosSpeed 8.02 Build 1972

cFosSpeed 8.02 Build 1972 - CFosSpeed ​​- Extremely useful utility, which is a network driver, which attaches itself to existing Internet connection and optimizes return data by prioritizing traffic. Traffic Shaping - method for optimizing the Internet traffic, providing optimal speed with minimum delay. You can use cFosSpeed ​​with a router and / or a DSL-modem or cable modem. It is also possible to use with other types of Internet connections. cFosSpeed ​​supports a solid variety of connections such as DSL, cable, ISDN, UMTS, and others.


The program will help maintain low latency in the network (ping), to make Internet applications as responsive as possible. Also, one of the main goals of cFosSpeed ​​is to improve the throughput by avoiding network congestions. The program interface is translated into many languages, including Russian language.

  • Broadband: Cable and DSL
  • Narrow band: Modem and ISDN
  • DSL, PPPoE
  • DSL, PPPoA (VCmux and LLC)
  • VDSL
  • Cable
  • ISDN
  • IP over AAL
  • RFC1483/2684 bridged

  • Router and dial-up connections
  • LAN and WLAN
  • Modes Router and Bridge
  • VPN
  • Multiple connections simultaneously
  • Adjustable routes
  • Several IP adresses per adapter

Traffic Shaping:
  • Multi-user version
  • TX and RX prioritization
  • L7 Protocol Analysis
  • Prioritization of Programs
  • RTP / VoIP Detection
  • 5 priority queues
  • Individual rules with filter language

  • CFosSpeed ​​prevents one application (eg email) to score all the others, such as telephone calls, chat, etc.
  • CFosSpeed ​​supports your ping faster, so you can play online games and download files at the same time.
  • All relevant data packets automatically receive a higher priority over unimportant. With the help of CFosSpeed ​​and its Protocol of priorities you will be able to customize their applications ideal and / or adding new programs.
  • Analyze your data in real time: With the new status window, you can easily recognize which data streams, you now pass.

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